’66 Super Nova™

’66 Super Nova™

’66 Super Nova™

Series RLC Exclusive
Release Date2023-02-21
BaseFull-metal, chrome-plated chassis and engine
BodySpectraflame Race Team blue ZAMAC
WheelsReal Riders Drag Strip Demon race dish drag wheels
WindowLight smoke-tinted
InteriorLight blue
DecoYellow, red, and orange stripes on sides; painted details on engine; Goodyear tampo on rear tires

The ’66 Super Nova is a RLC Exclusive car for members of the Red Line Club. Features include , Real Riders Drag Strip Demon race dish drag wheels, Full-metal, chrome-plated chassis and engine body with Light smoke-tinted window and Light blue.

Price Range

Recent price change: 1.40%

Price History

30 Days